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Conversion of relative joint to absolute

This tool is suitable for the conversion of relative joint into absolute one. After this conversion, the position of this joint may be changed in any direction (position of the relative joint may be changed only in the direction of the reference member). This tool can be activated by the link "Convert to abs." in the part "Joints" of the tree menu. After that, conversion is done by clicking on the joint in the workspace. There are two ways, how to convert the joint:

  • Divide reference member in joint - the reference member will be divided into two parts, the joint will be the reference joint of both parts
  • Do not divide reference member - the reference member remains untouched, the converted joint won't be connected to the member

Window "Convert relative joint"

Brief example of the conversion

In the first case, joints 2 and 4 are the relative joints placed on top chords. Their position is automatically changed after the change of Z-coordinate of the apex. The truss is still duo-pitched.

Modification of truss with relative joints

In the second case, joints 2 and 4 were converted into absolute ones, reference members were divided into two parts. The truss shape was changed into hipped one after the change of Z-coordinate of the apex, as the position of relative joints is defined by the coordinates.

Modification of truss with divided reference members

The last case shows the joints 2 and 4 that were converted into absolute ones without any division of reference members. The shape of truss is similar to the first case after the change of Z-coordinate of the apex, however, webs aren't connected to the top chords any more.

Modification of truss without any connection between reference members and joints

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