GEO5 Software

Geological maps and site investigation data

The Stratigraphy program allows to import the geological maps and site investigation data from variety data sources (local geological services, topographic and satellite world maps). If cartographical data from your geological service is not available in the programs, please do not hesitate to contact us. With your assistance we will endeavour to implement them.

Geological map and borehole survey - (UK)

Geological map and
borehole survey - (UK)

Geological map - (DE)

Geological map - (DE)

Geological map - (SE)

Geological map - (SE)

Geological map - (IT)

Geological map - (IT)

Geologická mapa (PL)

Geological map - (PL)

Geologická mapa a vrtná prozkoumanost (HU)

Geological map and
borehole survey - (HU)

Borehole - Field test

Orthophoto map - ČÚZK

Borehole - Field test

Vector map - ČÚZK

Borehole - Field test

Contour line map - ČGS

Borehole - Field test

Geological map 1:50 000 - ČGS

Borehole - Field test

Geological map 1:200 000 - ČGS

Borehole - Field test

Geological map 1:500 000 - ČGS

Borehole - Field test

CZ Geology map 1:50 000 - ČGS

Borehole - Field test

CZ Soil map 1:50 000 - ČGS

See short video how to GEO5 Stratigraphy allows importing the geological maps and site investigation data from variety data sources (local geological services, topographic and satellite world maps).

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