Sheet piles that are connected in the locks form a continuous wall. The most common use of this structure is to realize cofferdams or to temporarily secure foundation pits. Sheet piles are usually rammed or vibrated. Permanent sheet pile walls are also built as a part of flood protection, embankment walls and it is also possible to use them in the process of remediation of contaminated soils.
The GEO5 Sheeting Check program is used to make advanced designs of anchored or strutted sheet pile retaining walls (also Diaphragm, Pile or Soldier pile walls are supported). It allows the user to model the real structure behavior using stages of construction, to calculate the deformation and pressures acting upon the structure,
to verify the internal anchor stability or to verify steel, RC or timber cross-sections and the bearing capacity of the anchors.
The GEO5 Sheeting Design program is used to perform a quick design of cantilevered sheet pile walls or a basic design of anchored sheet pile walls (tieback). The program calculates the required length of the structure in soil,
the internal forces on the structure and verifies cross-sections (RC, steel, vinyl, timber).
Both programs contains a variety of pre-defined types of steel cross-section by following sheet pile producers: Arcelor Mittal, Vítkovice Steel, Agastyl, Skyline, ThyssenKrupp, Gerdau, Bethlehem Steel, Mer Lion Metals.
Also the vinyl sheet piles by ESP Everlast Synthetic Products are supported.
Programs provide different types of soil anchors. Pre-stressed bar anchors (VSL, Dywidag), strand anchors (VSL, Dywidag), helical anchors (Helical Anchors Ltd, Chance, MacLean), anchor bars (VSL, Minova), deadman anchors. Parameters of anchors are included in database, which is a part of programs.
Further sources:
Engineering Manual - Verification of a multi-anchored wall
Online Help - Sheet Pile Wall
Video Tutorial - Designing a Sheet Pile Wall in Sheeting Design
Video Tutorial - Designing an Anchored Retaining Wall in Sheeting Check