The program performs check of directly supported (corbels on columns) and indirectly supported (corbels on beams) corbels according to EN 1992-1-1 or EN 1992-2. The strut-and-tie models given in EC2 are used for the analysis. It provides minimum areas of the main tensile reinforcement and vertical and horizontal stirrups.
The program is designed for individual check of structural detail and it does not require cooperating with any other software.
More Features
The internal forces for steel connections design can be calculated with the following programs for structural analysis:
These program can be also used for design of steel structures:
Each program solves one task. The software therefore stays intuitive and easy to use.
Easily verify the applicability and validity of the analysis.
Text and graphical outputs with a possibility of complex output range editing.
I appreciate the simple, clear, and quickly performed verifying of elements, whether manually entered internal forces, calculated by the program itself, or imported from a csv file.
The strength of these programs is their ease of use and clear output documentation. You can choose between summary outputs on one page or more detailed ones.