FIN EC software

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Program Punching

The software "Punching" verifies directly supported (corbels on columns) and indirectly supported (corbels on beams) corbels according to EN 1992-1-1.

User interface

The user interface consists of a main menu with toolbars in the upper part of the window, tree menu on the left and input/display part on the right side of the window. The main menu contains all tools and functions, which can be used during the work. The tree menu is used for switching between parts of an input. The tree menu can be alternated by the part "Entry" of the main menu. Tools for documents printing are organized in the window "Print and export document", which can be opened using the printing icon in the toolbar "Files" or using the appropriate link in the part "File" of the main menu.

Main screen

Basic screen of the software contains general data of the project (identification details, design standard).

Frame "General project data" shows data, that can be input in the window "General project data". The window can be opened by using the button "Edit". The entered data can be used in heading and footing of documents.

The design standard including national annex can be changed in the part "Standard". These settings are placed in the window "Standard selection", that can be launched by the button "Edit".

The tree menu in the left part can be used for switching between particular sections of the input and verification (geometry, materials, analysis). The structure of the tree menu is duplicated in the main menu, part "Entry". The right upper part of the window contains the workspace that show the analysed detail. Workspace appearance may be changed in the window "Options" that is accessible from the main menu. The workspace shows not only the geometry of the detail, but also particular control perimeters ux (green or blue colour) and also the perimeter uout, where the shear reinforcement is not required (red colour).

Main application window

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