New features in version 17
Improvements in programs
Micropile - new methods by Bustamante (SPT, Pressuremeter Ménard)
Spread footing - verification for uplift
FEM - Hypoplastic model
Terrain - import LandXML
Sheeting design - verification of external stability by Slope stability program
Sheeting check - determination of kh from pressuremeter test (Ménard)
2D programs - new feature Geoclipboard for work with layers
Slope stability - generation of polygonal slip surface from circular one
MSE wall - internal stability check for slope without blocks
Improvement of visualization
New visualization of patterns, full color patterns
New types of patterns (gINT, UCSC, Chinese)
Pictures in text ouputs can take the whole page
LRFD 2012 for slope stability, retaining structures, spread footing
Slope stability - Chinese method ITFM (Imbalance Thrust Force Method)
Reinforced concrete - New Zealand code (NZS 3101-2006)
Bulgarian National Annex to EN 1997
Vietnamise version and Vietnamise outputs
Bulgarian outputs